Leapsa part II :))
45.Do you drink?
berea sa traiasca,prietenii stiu de ce.cola,alea alea XD
46.Know any other languages?
47.Ever write a coded message?
cand eram mai mica foloseam cu frate-meo cifre in loc de litere sau semne de punctuatie.era amuzant ^_^
48.Have you ever been IN a wedding?
in tort?=3 nu
49.Do you have any children?
dru...candace...cam atat.
50.Did you take a nap today?
am vrut...dar oricum nu ma ajuta
51.Who has the same birthday as you?
Kath.restul vedetelor nu conteaza.But since we're talkin',Gina Pistol e nascuta in aceeasi zi cu mine si vreau un ursulet de la ea :))
52.Ever met anyone famos before?
famous,ba.nu stiu.am vazut cativa fotbalisti de la universitatea.dar atat.
53.Do you want to be famos one day?
faaaaamous.da.pe o suprafata mica.gen un orasel sa ma salute lumea dimineata
54.Any Pet Peeves?
huuuuh? gonna copy that XD
55.Are you multitasking right now?
56.Do you like Britany Spears?
britney.womanizer toxic...old stuff XD
57.Last place you drove your car?
long time ago.acum 2 ani,cand am fost cu tata la preajba ^_^
58.Ever been out of the country?
nu :)
59.Where were you born?
Pi patu di spital.
60.Could you handle been in a military?
61.Who are you thinking about right now.
Bianca si toti de la a 6a.
62.When was the last time you laughed REALLY hard?
La scoala,cu Dru."Uuuite,uite ce face peretele XD"
63.How many pairs of shoes do you have?
una =3 momentan.maine vine alocatia aia nenorocita.
64.Are your toes always painted?
nu.daca ma plictisesc destul de rau le fac cu lac.momentan am o inima neagra pe degetul mare XD
65.how many piercings do you have?
66.What are you doing today?
67.Have you ever been gambling?
da,dar nu pe bani...
68.When was the last time you updated your page?
acum juma de ora.
69.Do you like rollercoasters?
n-o sa ma dau vreodata intr-unul decat daca sunt destul de fericita.dar nu ma atrage ideea.
70.Have you ver been to disneyland or world?
71.Do you have a favorite cartoon character?
bubonic din uuuncipunci,jenny din louie.sau andy.
72.Last thing you cooked?
cooked for real?negrese ^_^
73.How's the weather?
frig.bate vantu cateodata.frig.
74.Do you e-mail?
rar.la diriga sau la concursuri
75.What's the stupidest thing you did with your cell phone?
hmm..pai la mine e normal sa dau cu el de pamant.sa il strang pana m-au durut mainile ca nu citea usb
76.Last time you were sick?
78.What is your dream car?
79.Have you ever wanted someone you can't have?
da.you can'thave this broccoli.but i wanted that one.<- faza din friends
80.If you could be anywhere right now where would you be?
england my dear.
81.Are you happy with your life?
pai presupun ca n-o pot schimba cum e acum,asa ca ma multumesc cu ea.
82. Have you noticed that steph erased the question no. 77?:)
broken wishes.
1. n-a fost soare in weekend.dar n-am mai avut nevoie de el.si in plus,azi au fost niste momente cu soare pe care le-am petrecut la cires.
2. inca il astept.
3. pass
4. pass
5. pass
6. pass..
7. pass.vine ea ziua mea
8,9.still giving 9 to her.but takin' back my wish.
since eu scap lunea chiar la 12,pentru ca ultima ora avem sportul si mama scapa la 3,am 3 ore sa ma fatai di colo colo prin scoala.sau daca e soare sa merg in parc,dar n-a fost destul de insorit,si n-am avut nici cu cine,somehow.in schimb m-am asezat pe scari si m-am uitat la cires.nu pricepeti voi cum,stiu,stiu.
ciresul ala ma reprezinta...
am avut multe chestii in cap cand ma uitam la el,dar nu le-am mai pus pe foaie.
sunt introvertita.
so,noticed in cires erau 3 crengute mai ofilite...
una din ele ar fi fost faptul ca...nu ca nu m-a placut,sau ca [si nu te simti dex.] a fost idiot.ci ca din cauza lui mi-au spus ca sunt moarta.that made me think 'bout it.
the biggest them on earth.like,motivele sa ascult welcome to my life pe repeat and shit.
faptul ca am derivat de la ce puteam sa fiu.
asta e tot ce regret acum...restul sunt awesome.
ultimele 4 ore cu ghiozdanul dupa mine.wuuf.
\(:3)/ Go enma! <- mascota pentru avioane XD
Ceva inevitabil - imitam eu azi pozitia lu' vuia-statuia[ce copilaresc suna],cand observ o...urmare a unei atitudini jalnice posedata de o pasare :))
she looks good but her boyfriend says she's a mess.