Fiica lui Hitler/Normala printre anormali/Stefi.

vineri, 3 iunie 2011

Leapsa de vineri?

Sunt acasa.Si e vineri.Si weekendul asta nu am niciun concurs,si planuiesc sa merg cu kid si ~cumnatica :3~ la concertele de weekendul asta,pentru ca sunt in parcu' tineretului,care e la 5 minute de mine,si in plus,au masinute[nu stiu cum sa le zic v.v] acolo,si vreau sa ne dam in elee xD Deci e vineri si ciresica face o leapsa de plictiseala.Leapsa de vineri ^_^

1.If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?
Well...presupun ca atata timp cat nu ar fi cineva pe care sa cunosc,gen my best friend or shit,as fi destul de calma.Desi as prefera sa imi spuna .-.

2. If you have a dream you’d like to come true, what is it?  tin legatura cu o jumatate din clasa mea de acum?Larisa,Eliza,Andra,Alex?:]
3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
Asta e o lista lunga.Andra,    ,profa de tehnologie,profa de sport,si cativa vecini :)
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
M-as muta de aici.In primul rand.Adica,in alt cartier.Si apoi as face o gramada de cadouri familiei xD Si as investi o parte cumva,ca sa mai scot si alti bani.Si cam atat.Daca as avea tot 13 ani.
5. Will your best friend always be your best friend?
Nu stiu.Presupun ca la liceu nu o sa mai fie la fel.
6. Have you ever been in love with 2 people at once?
7. How long would you wait for someone you really loved?
Paaai...daca as crede ca ma baga in seama,gen friends or smth,probabil ca destul de mult ._.
8. If you won the lottery, would you quit the job?
La scoala* nu.Si daca as avea un jooob care sa imi placa,nu.
9. Who is on your celebrity top 5 … you know, the ones … that if you ever had an opportunity …
idk.Nu ma gandesc prea mult la vedete,wtf.
10. What sucks the life out of you?
Profa de tehnologie.Si  visele cretine
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
23.Facultate,un job,cevaaa.
12. What is your greatest fear?
Ca o sa ii pierd pe cei care ma suporta.Ca o sa se sature sa faca asta.
13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
No one tagged me :[ Sunt asa neimportanta ca imi iau leapsa de pe net ^-^
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
15. What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?
O asigur pe mama ca o sa ma trezesc,astept sa inchida usa si mai dorm 5 minute.
16. Would you give all in a relationship?
Depinde de persoana ._.
17. Is your career vitally important to you?
18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
Ce stupid >.> Nu.Sunt unele lucruri pe care nu le-as ierta.
19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
Momentan,single :]
20. List 6 people to tag.
Sa vedeeem....Andra,Fiimea,Larisa[care si-a facut blog haaahaaaahaaa],Unknown person4,5,6.


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