Fiica lui Hitler/Normala printre anormali/Stefi.

sâmbătă, 22 ianuarie 2011

Stefi din olimp.iada.

I'm here I'm here I'm here.
Stefi a fost la olimpiada.
Imi place sa scriu despre ea la persoana IIIa :>

Evident,capatana patrata a fost iar in spatele meu.
He became flirty.And that bothers me,because he was pretty.
Unfortunately,I don't stare at people anymow.
And I,on the other hand,I became stupid.
Si nu sunt in stare sa socializez deloooc.
Adica... bine, cat poti socializa pentru juma de ora?
It's not like I could walk in front of the first stranger I see and try to make him my friend.I'm just not good at it.Usually,I'm not in a good mood when something like that could be done.

I'm so freakin tired.
Vreau sa dorm,sa dorm,sa dorm.Poate sufar de gigantism doar psihic,nu si fizic.Fizic ai zice ca sufar de nanism.

If I could make time to make my wishes come true,
I'd scream my first wish,and it could happen,I know,
I'll rest my soul for a day,and it won't feel blue,
No,I won't feel blue anymore,and my heart would flow.


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