Fiica lui Hitler/Normala printre anormali/Stefi.

luni, 12 iulie 2010

Bubuu the mushroom!

sunt cea mai impiedicata si neindemanatica persoana pe care o cunosc.
am...6 vanatai pe picioare in trei zile.
am spart un borcan si acum un castron imens intr-o singura zi.
acum ceva timp,in doua zile,m-am dat cu capul de usa[am cucuiul de rigoare!],am cazut cu scaunul si mi-am mutilat mana stanga ^__^ i-am zis eu lu' kid ca nu pot sa curat cartofi.
eh,si apoi,bammbz zice ca am vise sado-maso,din moment ce m-am trezit dimineata cu zgarieturi pe maini de toata frumusetea.dar a meritat pentru visul ala.

azi o sa aberez mai tare ca azi imi fac mascotaa 3.bine,o iau de pe google,si nu se potriveste,but anw.I'll call...him or her?her...giocondaaa~ :)) no,no.bubble[<3] the mushroom ^_______^ si pot sa am o bubu noua.
si ca sa-si bage pully ghiara-n gat si eventualele restu' care n-or vrut s-o asculte pe shakira,mom...
Bubu woke up one morning and saw the cameras...
Bubuu: OMG,OMG,you want MEEE to be your icon?*jumps arround like a stupid mushroom*
The big man with a camera on his head: well actually no one else wanted that,'cause they all kno' that cherry is a crazy mushroom that tastes like a sour cherry inside,so they were scared.but some of them said you're the same.
Bubuu: awww,someone said I'm like cherry?that's so sweet *blushes*
The big man with a camera on his head: so we need to know about u...tell us about you,would ya?
Bubuu: well it all started looong,looong,time ago...[six years ago,actually.] *mushrooms wore diapers*
The big man with a...well hell you know that: Woa,woa,not so far.just,tell us what can you do and stuff like that,kay?
Bubuu: *thinks a little bit* I caaan...I can drink a glass full with water in just a sec!*starts drinkin'*...*after 20 minutes* See?
*the friend of the big man with camera-head touches a cookie from bubuu's floor*
Bubuu: Don't touch thaat! *evil face*
The big man with a...well hell you know that again!: Ok,I guess you're too nuts for cherr'!
Bubuu: whaaat?nooo!
*cries*.. and cries,and cries again...
The big man with a blah blah: bb-bb*through tears* ok,ok,you're the new icon
Bubuu: oh I'm so exciteeed...*throws up*
The big man with a...damn: .-. ew! so,we're gonna see you later and tell you what you have to do.
Bubuu: okaaay.thaaanks. *puppy eyes* BYE!

Outside Bubuu's house...
the friend of the man with a camera-head: hey dude,you're really gonna pick her?
The big man with a camera-head: hell,nooo...


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